October, 2023


Could legendary composer Chopin have been part of a secret conspiracy to save the free world from the greatest threat in its millenary history?

This novel is very important to me, because it marks the official beginning of a series, which I have called THE BICYCLE CHRONICLES, as it revolves around Subinspector Morillo (nicknamed “Bicycle” by his colleagues, given his excessive penchant for using it as his means of transportation, something quite unusual in police circles)

Morillo’s character was the tragic protagonist of the first novel of the series, “THE SUICIDE ROOM”, in which he disappeared under dramatic and mysterious circumstances. His disappearance interrupted his budding romantic relationship with Inés, the only survivor after the murder of a woman from the Catalan upper bourgeoisie at the hands of a psychopath, a fearsome enemy that Morillo faced with dramatic consequences.

In “THE SECRET OF CHOPIN”, we witness Inés’ fruitless efforts to find out the truth about Morillo’s disappearance, an investigation full of obstacles, in which she will discover the secrets of a dark international plot that reaches the highest police and political spheres.

In her adventure, Inés will have the help of characters who already appeared in the first novel, such as the impetuous Corporal Roura, or the arrogant Subinspector Aromí, as well as new and endearing characters who will join her crusade.

The uprising and struggle for Polish independence from the Russian Empire in 1831, whose failure caused the “Great Emigration” of Polish artists, politicians and intellectuals, among whom was the famous composer Frédéric Chopin, is the historical framework which will trigger a series of events that almost a century later will catastrophically affect Inés and her entourage. Following the trail of Chopin’s trip to Mallorca in 1838, Inés and her companions will find themselves fighting for their lives in an incredible and dangerous adventure.

Here is a preview of the back cover blurb:

In 1913, Barcelona was a city in social and cultural turmoil. A few months after the unexplainable disappearance of Subinspector Morillo in a mysterious Casino hidden in the mountains, Inés will be hunted by a sinister secret organization that has spent centuries searching for a mysterious object that can forever alter the balance of power in the world.

Given the lack of any official explanation, and determined to find out what happened to Morillo, she will enlist the help of some unlikely allies in a dangerous quest that will take her from the Barcelona streets to the island of Mallorca, where she will be hunted mercilessly by a group of assassins. Her adventure will take her to some unique places like the mythical Carthusian monastery of Valldemossa (where during the winter of 1838, Chopin resided with his lover George Sand, seeking tranquility and inspiration) or some spectacular Majorcan caves and underground lakes.

Millenary secrets will be revealed and new ones will come to light in this long-awaited sequel to THE SUICIDE ROOM, the first novel in the series THE BICYCLE CHRONICLES.

September, 2022


What if our deceased relatives could contact us over the phone from the other side?

I’m happy to launch a new novel, although it´s not really new because I launched it a few years ago under a pen name. I have recently re-edited the manuscript, designed new covers for both versions (Spanish and English) and here you have the result. I hope you enjoy it. 

VOICES FROM ETERNITY is a novel where you will find elements of fantasy, even paranormal, and a great deal of action, adventure, and many riddles and messages to decode in a wide range of real and amazing locations, some of which have had a special significance for me throughout my life. 

But it is basically a story about family values, about finding strength and support in family, as dysfunctional as their members may appear to be, regardless of appearances, or even when facing such extreme conditions as those presented in the story. We should always count on family to guide us and be there for us, against all odds.

Here is an advance of the blurb:

What if our deceased relatives could contact us over the phone from the other side?

Marc, a recently divorced art restoration expert cannot believe his son may have phone conversations with his grandfather. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for the fact that his grandfather has been dead for years.

In 1140 AC, a young friar on a secret mission will be chased by an evil entity and will risk his life to hide a mysterious box. He will hide it within the walls of the Benedictine Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes, where it will remain hidden for centuries.

In present time, when a mysterious stranger hires Marc to study the symbols on a millenary clay tablet, he will soon be on the trail of one of mankind’s best-kept secrets, the potential existence of a portal to communicate directly with the other side.

When the life of his little son is threatened, after having been contacted by his deceased grandfather over the phone, Marc and his partner Sandra will set off on a dangerous quest that will take them around the country, unraveling dark family secrets, exploring medieval ruins, and fighting for their lives against otherworldly enemies. Their quest may bring them closer to finding the truth about the portal, but Marc will have to find out whether it is a direct line with Heaven, Hell, or with someplace very different.

A thrilling adventure that will take you to amazing places like Sant Pere de Rodes Monastery, Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia cathedral, Barcelona city, and the Alt Pirineu National Park.

November, 2021



It’s a pleasure to announce the launch of a new novel  (with a few more to come). 

LACROIX is a very special novel for me. It is a work of fiction, although some of the events depicted in the novel are perhaps vaguely inspired in real-life experiences of people I know. The story is set in the present, but also deeply rooted in true chapters of recent European history (during World War II).  

A story where nothing is what it seems, full of surprising twists, which goes to prove we should never take anything for granted, always follow our instinct/heart, and never stop fighting for what we believe is right.

Here is an advance of the blurb:

When a proposition sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Elsa’s life is falling apart, abandoned by her partner, kicked out of her stepmother’s house, jobless, a young single mother of a 1-year-old baby. When she receives an unexpected proposition to leave Barcelona and move to France, to live and work in a magnificent castle, all expenses paid, surrounded by horses, forests, and beautiful lakes, she jumps at the opportunity, eager to start a new life.

But Lacroix Castle has been hiding a dark secret since WWII, when it had become the summer residence of Marshall Pétain, head of the French collaborationist government with Nazi Germany.

Elsa has awoken a terrifying enemy, but will she find the inner strength to face it and save her family?

16th September, 2021



I’m thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of  THE SUICIDE ROOM, a new novel that is already available as a pre-order and will be published in mid-September (available in English and Spanish versions).

Set in the turbulent but fascinating 1912, amidst the Art Nouveau explosion in architecture and design taking place in Barcelona, a young police subinspector will come across a series of murders, a dark and mysterious case that will change his life and his career.

The murders seem to be linked to the recently opened Casino de la Rabassada, a luxurious meeting point for the rich and famous, Royal Families and European aristocracy.

Subinspector Morillo will chase the killer at the expense of his life and that of those closest to him, while trying to discover the truth about a legendary room where it was said that gamblers could discreetly commit suicide.

Here is an advance of the blurb:


A mysterious and luxurious Casino hidden in the mountains outside Barcelona, then the cradle of the European Art Nouveau explosion. 

A serial killer on the loose.

A young and peculiar police sub-inspector, “Bicycle Man”, who will never give up.

A legendary secret room where gamblers who had lost everything could discreetly commit suicide.



The decadent ruins of an old casino are barely visible through the vegetation.

A serial killer is still on the loose.

A journalist in search of a story that can revive his declining career.

Was the suicide room just an urban legend?

Two people are investigating the same crimes and chasing the same serial killer, but they live one hundred years apart.


It all comes down to one simple question:

Could a man be forced to commit suicide to save the lives of his loved ones?

September, 2021



I’m happy to introduce my novel UXMALA, available in E-book format in English and Spanish versions, and soon to be launched in paperback format (October 2021) and available from all major book distributors.

It’s a thrilling adventure, set in a historical setting, Mexico during the time of the Spanish Conquest in 1518. It’s also a love story, or better yet, two love stories running in parallel, but 500 years apart.

Here’s the blurb for the book: 

The story of two courageous women, living 500 years apart; one in present-time Europe and the other in the Aztec empire in 1518.

Uitzimal, an unconventional high priest in the court of mighty Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II, engages in secret scientific research about life beyond death, using the bodies of sacrificed prisoners after having removed their hearts. Torn between his priesthood duties and his forbidden love for a peasant woman, he will raise their newborn daughter in secret.

Years later, Uxmala, turned into a brave young woman, will fight against ancient Aztec prejudices when she falls in love with a young Spanish conquistador.

Uitzimal will face the wrath of an ancient Aztec she-devil who threatens to take his daughter to the underworld and curse the lovers for eternity. He is then faced with a heart-wrenching dilemma no father should ever have to deal with.

At present-time Barcelona, Sam, a young doctor, will see his life in serious danger, after discovering an ancient medallion with paranormal properties hidden in the body of a deceased patient. During his investigation, he will meet Estrella, a tough, resourceful, and mysterious Mexican female scientist who will become his partner. Their investigation will take them around the globe (Barcelona, Seville, Vienna, and Mexico City) in a dangerous quest for what might be one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind.

They will only have one opportunity to break the ancient Aztec curse, while finding their own destiny, and their true calling. 


September, 2021


a book, read, relax

It’s finally here. After a long gestation period, my website is finally up and live. 

My main goal is for it to become a useful tool to connect with anyone who shares my interest in music or literature, and to provide them with a glimpse into my humble contributions in those fields.

On the website, you will find samples of my work, past and present, and also information about the projects which I’m currently working on, and those that are in the pipeline.

You will also find links to my currently published books, available from all major book sellers and distributors.

© Xavier Vidal 2021. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED